Guy Fawkes Night! Starting November with a Bang!

The Firework show and bonfire were not the only attractions at Catterick that night. there were fun games to play, and crazy rides for the kids!

And to finish off a lovely evening out, a handful of the folks at Hillcrest ventured over to the local pub for a few beers and a few laughs!

Wrapped up warm, sparklers were sparkling and the fire was crackling. To celebrate the start of the winter season, some of the staff and residents took a little trip out to the Catterick Garrison bonfire night event and they had a blast!

Not only did some of us go out to the local bonfire night, we also had a few sparkles and bangs back at the home! with some daringly facing the cold to see the show from outside.

Here are a few captures of the little show we put on here at the Gatehouse. A lovely little audience of both staff and residents gathered out in the back garden!